Monday 5 April 2010

Decorations for a Simnel Cake

Tristement, there are no visitors to enjoy my traditional making of a Simnel Cake. Never mind, just for fun I experimented with a choice of decoration! Apart from the sugared eggs in the basket which Captain Sensible will gobble if I don't monitor consumption to ensure there are some for me, I shall store the cake so that it matures! My son is coming soon and evidently he likes marzipan and the only fruit cake he likes is with the marzipan centre. When I serve it I shall find a beautiful ribbon to go around the edge.

I rather like the idea of using natural violets or pansies... and in future I'll not bother with Cadbury's products ... really I should not have bought them this year. I understand that they are moving their factory out of UK! However, there is something rather nice about the sugared coated eggs ... the creme eggs will be a no-no ... French chocolate is better!

PS The cuckoo has returned and the temperature is rising significantly. Yesterday and today heralded the digging and weeding of half of the potager; the edges are looking trim, and the soil is beginning to dry out. It is a bit late but we pruned the vine. More tussocky lawn was cut once the mower was repaired. The back is getting used to travail!

PPS Why did the cuckoo stop singing when the weather was so inclement? I hope he did not have to go back to Africa!

COUNTDOWN: 25 days

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