Saturday 7 February 2009

The Oyster Shell - a Poem

I wrote this some time ago whilst on a flight to uk. I have no idea why the initial words popped into my head, except that a few days before that we had experienced for the first time eating raw oysters whilst dining with Dutch acquaintances. I would not choose to learn to prepare to eat them but if ever I am in a situation where they are presented in a meal I know I could swallow two or three and not lose my dignity or manners! I quite like the way these words have appeared. Do pause after SHELL.......

Shell...Alive in oyster bed
Shall I disturb thee?

Shell...I take thee from the sea
Shall I praise thee?

Shell...I prise thee with a knife
Shall I eat thee?

Shell...Within thee is a pearl
Shall I wear thee?

Shall I keep thee?

Shell ...Not for posterity.
Shall I discard thee?

Shell... Hermaphrodite
Shall she be he?

Shell...she'll be a mollusc
In the oyster reef
Shall shell be sorry?


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