Sunday 16 May 2010

The week at a glance

It's been a roller-coaster of a week. What are we doing at our age?
I have owned this new old house for two weeks but during the first week I pretended it was not mine. THEN assistance arrived in the shape of strong arms and expertise. So....wake up SweetpeainFrance!
Whilst demolition of a wall and ceiling and the replacement of the same in different positions, and the sanding of walls, doors and windows have created dust and rubble, I have been stripping wallpaper, clearing out mountains of junk and dust from an attic, the kitchen and around the house, creating a pile for the dechetterie and bonfire, and supplying refreshments to the workers.
Also another novelty is that I am required to make decisions! This I have been not very good at for about 6 years and so am on a steep learning curve. It was bad enough trying to decide for 4 years on which house to buy. Possibly future decision making will be easier now that I have bought something! A fireplace was revealed on investigation of why a wall was damp... but as it has been ruined by a rendered 'yuk' coating of a substance that will not be removed, I am trying to decide whether to replace it with a reclaimed model, whilst taking note of my budget. When renovating a house in France, maybe in any country, it is all too easy to go over budget with one's dreams and excitements and "ideas above one's station" (as my mother always said) when the unexpected is revealed!
It's very strange to own a house after 6 years and to take responsibility.
It has also carved into our life, physical exercise waking up the unused tired muscles and creaking bones with a long disciplined working day. Poor Captain Sensible really does not need this challenge as he is older than me! But we only have a few weeks to make a big dent into what needs to be achieved.
The week has also prevented our leisure and social activities. The building trade is a dusty business and the plumbing is not connected at the new old house so we have to come home to soak in the bath. Already we have been unable to attend an apertif soirée and life has become what it used to be. That is, fall out of bed, rush to work, be active all day, rush home, cook meal, beaver away at domestic duties and fall into bed....late! Incredibly, I love it! I had really slowed down and now I feel I am speeding up again! I also seem to be getting a good night's sleep and not waking up worrying! That is oh so GOOD!
Shopping for building materials has also re-entered our lives combined with the frustration and waste of time that goes hand-in-hand with travelling, purchasing and transporting goods in central France!
When buying a house in Central France, make sure you have the Brico store nearby! I forgot about this on my list of criteria for house purchase!

I have come to write for my therapy and a rest. So back to it SweetpeainFrance.
Back to the paperwork, cooking, house cleaning, gardening, new old house renovation and practice my piano! Other activities are off the agenda!


Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, please show photos so we can picture your journey!

Carolyn said...

I've been hoping you'd post some photos. It sounds like you're making good progress.

Susan said... missed a très genial soirée. We were determined to have a party on our anniversary, despite relating to absolutely everything else in your post above.