Friday 11 July 2008

Happy Birthday Sweetpea and Sebs

It is difficult to believe that another digit in the age has to change. It is early morning and the rain is falling but that's a good thing as the potager needs to be wet. The tomato plants were looking tired! Already our potato crop is adequate. The tubers are small, tasty. Although we planted triple the quantity of tubers we will not reap a triple crop! We have also been eating mangetout peas. The courgettes appear not to like the soil or the weather. Some tomatoes are growing on the plants that have survived the wind! We have had good success with two packets of a mixed leaf salad that we bought from England. The Nasturtiums and Ipomoea (Morning Glory) are struggling and the sunflower plants are just emerging!

We're pretty tired and not sure if this has to do with our age, or not taking our B6 and magnesium tablets, or constant housework including late Spring cleaning, or lots of cooking and gardening causing us hardly ever stopping to rest yet running with the fun of French summer activities. The weather affects us and has been either exceptionally wet or unbelievably windy or so hot and humid that unfortunately the latter is also debilitating! The sun is best!

I am very aware that we have a backlog of photos and text to communicate. But it is my son's birthday today and the eve of that of Sweetpea! So Happy Birthday to the big young man and to me!!

Editing this on 1st August 2008 I am adding the best birthday present which was to spend time with my grand daughter, daughter and David. Sadly, Sebs and Bee could not be here but perhaps a wish would come true for next year to have the family together and include also Tallulah and Kyle.

Isn't she lovely?

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