Sunday, 25 April 2010

Spring flowers in Angles-sur-l'Anglin

We've had a splendid 13km afternoon trek with our French walking group "Les Sentiers Vagabonds" exploring the chemins of Angles-sur-L'Anglin to the south side of the river. I found so many splendid spring flowers.
The Purple Toothwort (Lathraea clandestina) is a parasite growing on the roots of alder, poplar and willow trees. I have only ever seen this plant in Angles-sur- L'Anglin!

Then there were numerous blankets of Greater Stitchwort. With a very pretty white flower it is a kind of chickweed and can be eaten in salads though I haven't tried it.

However, I have eaten Wild Garlic before now and it makes a very tasty substitute in a salad. I can't believe that I have found this in France.
There were just a few patches of Wood Anemone, the name of which I have had to identify as I did not know this wild flower at all. Evidently it is poisonous and is a member of the Buttercup family. Wood Anemones in meadows and hedgebanks indicate the site of a vanished woodland. This could well be true although there was woodland nearby but according to folklore, this flower is a woodland ghost.
Lots of Lesser Celandine, also a member of the Buttercup family, is also poisonous and has been known to kill cattle if eaten by them, but as a herb it has been used to treat piles!!
If I have any of my facts incorrect then please let me know.

COUNTDOWN: 5 days: I am getting more confident.

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